Welcome Parents and Teachers

RAMS PTA (Parent Teacher Association) serves to foster communication between parents, teachers, and the administration. We also support our teachers, students, families, and school through several activities or programs throughout the year.  Since most parents are only at RAMS for 2 years, we have a high turnover rate and encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible in you are (maybe) interested in volunteering, planning, or 

RAMS PTA is as strong and as successful as each of you will enable us to be by your membership, support, and active participation. Please fill in our interest form at http://tinyurl.com/ramspta-interestform  to let us know how involved you can/want to be, and to allow us to reach out to you with helpful information.

What we do

Historically the RAMS PTA has played the following roles:

What roles we will play in the 2023/2024 school year depends partly on your needs. Become involved and help shape your PTA!

Calendar of Events


Meeting Minutes

Next meeting:

Date: TBD

Roseville Area Middle School, Media Center

Contact Us